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I would like to begin with a thank you for inviting our school's 8th grade to see your rendition of 1776. It was a very well done play, and I am glad to have seen it. In one of my favorite songs of the play, "Molasses to Rum", the topic of the Atlantic Slave Trade is addressed. After South Carolina is criticized for using slavery for profit, South Carolina tells the North that they had given them the slaves through trading. When looking back at the beginning of American history, and specifically the Civil War, we tend to look at the North as the “good side” and the South as the “bad side”. In reality, however, history is much less black and white than that. Your play, however, shines a light on the doings of both sides, which has reminded me of the ambiguity of good and evil in history. In the future, I hope that more media does what 1776 did in revealing both sides of history, so that less stories such as affirming myths or even propaganda are fully trusted.

Submitted by Anonymous

Saw the show in Cambridge, MA

Essential Questions

  • How can we hold this history as a predicament versus an affirming myth?