

Text Submission

My story is a part of American history because people from my family have fought in most wars this country has seen. My great-great-great grandfather came to America from Ireland just to fight for the north in the civil war. My great uncle fought in korea. My grandfather fought in Vietnam. My dad fought in Iraq. The declaration of independence was focused on white men, we know that, but with it's wording it is supposed to seem for all people. We need something that can really represent everyone. We need an honest reckoning with our past so we can see our mistakes and change them, rewrite them.

Submitted by Anonymous

Saw the show in Cambridge, MA

Essential Questions

  • How is my story a part of American history?
  • In creating the Declaration of Independence, what mattered?
  • How can we hold this history as a predicament versus an affirming myth?
  • How does an honest reckoning with our past help us move forward together?