

Text Submission

My story is a part of American history, everyone’s story should be. It doesn’t matter if it’s from different cultures or not, it is. They can be important stories or maybe even historic stories changing America. In the creation of the Declaration of Independence is that there weren’t women involved, only white men involved in the Declaration. They should consider making it more diverse with more different types of people of color. We can hold this history as a predicament since we can’t deny how white supremacy was a thing back then and still is right now.

Submitted by Anonymous

Saw the show in Cambridge, MA

Essential Questions

  • How is my story a part of American history?
  • In creating the Declaration of Independence, what mattered?
  • How can we hold this history as a predicament versus an affirming myth?
  • How does an honest reckoning with our past help us move forward together?