

Text Submission

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My story is a part of American history today, everyone’s story is. No matter whether they are noticeable or not. They can be history-changing stories. In the creation of the Declaration of Independence, there were no females involved and only white men were the decision-makers. Since no other races were involved in creating the Declaration of independence, it’s definitely not in the consideration of colored people other than white people. This history is indeed a predicament since we can’t deny how white supremacy reigned during that era. We must realize what we have done wrong and take an approach to fix the issue instead of repairing it. An honest reckoning with our past will seek a better future for all of us.

Submitted by Anonymous

Saw the show in Cambridge, MA

Essential Questions

  • How is my story a part of American history?
  • In creating the Declaration of Independence, what mattered?
  • How can we hold this history as a predicament versus an affirming myth?
  • How does an honest reckoning with our past help us move forward together?