

Text Submission

My story is a part of American history because I can do something and make changes for the world or I could stand by idly as these things are happening and wait for someone else to make changes.
When creating the Declaration of Independence, what mattered were “the people” and their “rights”.
We can hold this history as a predicament versus an affirming myth by doing something about it now rather than waiting on someone or something to do anything about it.
If we honestly look at our past, this would mean also looking at the parts that are painful and frustrating to look at.

Submitted by Anonymous

Saw the show in Cambridge, MA

Essential Questions

  • How is my story a part of American history?
  • In creating the Declaration of Independence, what mattered?
  • How can we hold this history as a predicament versus an affirming myth?
  • How does an honest reckoning with our past help us move forward together?