


  • Apr 6, 2018

This event has passed

Succumb to an awe-inspiring experience that stimulates all of your senses. AcousticaElectronica sets its tale in the world of art’s past, resurrecting its most intriguing ghosts and planting them here, in this new future. Dorian Gray, Carmen, Pierrot Lunaire, Odette the Swan, and the Conductor all travel through time and are planted here, in this moment. Watch as they struggle with who they were and what they are to become in this new future. The show blends elements of electronic and classical music, dance, circus arts, and immersive theater with the infectious energy of a nightclub to bring you an evening you won’t encounter anywhere else.

After party till 2am with DJ Danny Satori!

Tickets: Dance Floor: $25; Lower Mezzanine: $45; Table Seat: $55

April 6: Find your zen, and then get your groove on! Ignite all your senses at Detox/Retox: the AcousticaElectronica Yoga Mash Up!

At Detox/Retox we give you an amazing and centering yoga practice, followed by the immersive show/dance party adventure that is AcousticaElectronica. Flow out your weekday worries, and then rocket-launch your weekend with this one-of-a-kind show. Sponsored by Opus Affair.

Each ticket includes: 45 minute yoga class from 8:45 to 9:30pm & dance floor ticket to AcousticaElectronica & post-show dance party at 10pm. Doors open at 8:30PM.

Late Admission: No late admission to yoga class, latecomers will be allowed into the show at 10pm. Bring your own mat!

Attire: Sexy & Flexy, Fun, Athletic, glitter, neon, go crazy! At AcousticaElectronica, we have no pompous dress code, so wear what let’s you get your zen and dance party on. We have complimentary coat check for your mat, but no lockers, showers, or changing rooms. We have standard bathroom facilities if you wish to change.

Video: AcousticaElectronica 2018