

Construction of Our New Home Is Underway

For over 40 years, the A.R.T. has created groundbreaking theatrical experiences at the Loeb Drama Center. Now it’s time to write our next chapter and create a place that will invite audiences to come together to open their minds and hearts.

Come inside the David E. and Stacey L. Goel Center for Creativity & Performance

Construction is now underway on our new home at 175 N. Harvard Street in the Allston neighborhood of Boston.

A building to foster groundbreaking performance, public gathering, teaching, and international research. A destination in Allston, a thriving hub of innovation and creativity. A place where everyone is welcome and invited to explore what it means to be human.



Join Us for the Journey

The David E. and Stacey L. Goel Center for Creativity & Performance will be located just a 10-minute walk from Harvard Square over the JFK St. Bridge, at 175 N. Harvard Street in Barry’s Corner, Allston. We invite you to join us on its journey to completion, and we look forward to welcoming you to this new, inspiring space that will fuel our vision and creative work for years to come.