Connie Englert

Connie Englert is the Principal and Managing Director of her own social enterprise, TrueNorth Transit Group (TNTG). Based in Shelburne Falls, Massachusetts, TNTG is an upstart transportation management and consulting company currently working with MassDOT and MassPort. Her firm is nationally certified as a LGBT Business Enterprise and one of the only openly transgender certified businesses in the program’s history.
Connie has over twenty-five years in transportation operations and planning. She has played with trains at Amtrak, airplanes at United Airlines and JetBlue, buses with New York City Transit Authority, and subways and commuter trains at the MBTA. Her current love child is MAX Regional Bus, linking Boston to Brattleboro VT. She currently serves on the Governor’s Special Commission for Health Provider Pricing.
She is equally passionate supporting the broad LGBTQ spectrums, including transgender and gender non-conforming people. She views public visibility and economic participation to be keys to broader acceptance, inclusion and tolerance within all communities. She serves on the Board of Green Mountain Crossroads, a rural LGBT community development group, and lives in rural Franklin County at the end of a very long dirt road.