Derek Garza

A.R.T.: Othello. OSF (one season): Romeo and Juliet. Regional: Million Dollar Quartet, Welk Resorts Theater; The Mecca Tales, Chicago Dramatists; Push Button Murder, Mike and Seth, the side project theatre company; Between Pancho Villa and a Naked Woman, Halcyon Theatre; My Kind of Town, TimeLine Theatre Company; I Am Montana, Inherit the Whole, Mortar Theatre Company; CIC Theater; Montana Shakespeare Company; Pennsylvania Centre Stage; Southern Colorado Repertory Theatre. Toronto: The War of 1812, VideoCabaret; Native Earth Performing Arts; Salt Baby Productions. Film/TV: JimMortal, Canal Street, “Chicago Fire,” /i>“Betrayal,” Along for the Ride, “Arts & Crafts: A Web Series,” Supermodels With Tasers, Deep Ship. Commercials/Industrial: Lowe’s Flooring, Sanford-Brown, U.S. Army. Training: BA, Theatre, Adams State University; MFA, Acting, Pennsylvania State University; Second City; Pro Actors Lab; The Green Room.