Jake Manabat

A.R.T.: Treble in The Provok'd Wife (Mark Wing-Davey, dir.), Ascanius/Cupid (u/s) in Dido, Queen of Carthage (Neil Bartlett, dir.), Alex in The Island of Anyplace (Thomas Derrah, dir.). Tour: Angel (u/s) in Rent (Michael Greif, dir.). New York: Joy (HX Award nominee, Best Musical); Sodom, Kraine Theatre; The Rink, Queens Theatre in the Park. Regional: The Long Season (George Street Playhouse); Ching Ho in Thoroughly Modern Millie (West Virginia Public Theatre); Lun Tha in The King and I, Gus in Babes in Arms, Willows Theatre Company. A.R.T./MXAT Institute productions: Lawrence in For Whom the Southern Belle Tolls (Will LeBow, dir.), Robel in Spring Awakening (János Szász, dir.), Jimmy in Party Time (Sam Weisman, dir.), Baz in A Bright Room Called Day (Scott Zigler, dir.), Dumaine in Love's Labour's Lost (Robert Bella, dir.). BA in economics, University of California at Berkeley; MFA, American Repertory Theater/Moscow Art Theater Institute for Advanced Theater Training at Harvard University.