Naomi Wallace

Naomi Wallace, the author of Slaughter City, was born in Prospect, Kentucky. Her work has been produced both in the U.S. and Great Britain. Her first play, The War Boys, was produced by the Finborough Theatre and was nominated for Best First Play by the London Finge Awards. In the Heart of America, a Gulf War Drama was first produced in London by the Bush Theatre. It was then produced by the Long Wharf Theatre in New Haven and was recently published in the March issue of American Theatre and awarded the 1995 Susan Smith Blackburn Prize. Her recent play One Flea Spare takes place in London during the Great Plauge of 1665. It was commissioned by the Bush and performed there in October and November 1995 which included an extended run following its success. One Flea Spare had its U.S. premiere at the Humana Festival of New American Plays at Louisville Actors Theatre in Kentucky. Naomi Wallace's poetry has been published on both sides of the Atlantic. Her first book of poems, To Dance a Stony Field, was published in Britain last May. Slaughter City will be published by Faber and Faber later this year.