


Roman Kozak

Roman Kozak (acting and instructor at the American Repertory Theater/Moscow Art Theater Institute for Advanced Theater Training at Harvard University) joined the Moscow Art Theater (MXAT) acting company in 1982 after graduating from the MXAT School. He was the Artistic Director/Founder of the Fifth Studio of MXAT (1990-1991) and The Stanislavsky Theatre (1991-1992), and he is a founding member and has been Resident Director of The Chelovek Studio Theatre since 1978. Mr. Kozak is now the Associate Artistic Director of MXAT and Associate Professor of Acting at the MXAT School. His acting credits include Konstantin in The Seagull, Mozart in Amadeus, Dr. Lvov in Ivanov, and AA in The Emigrants among others. Roman Kozak has directed more than 20 productions in Belgium, Germany, Latvia, Poland, Russia, Sweden, and the United Kingdom, including Shakespeare's Measure for Measure and Othello; Chekhov's Three Sisters; Small Tragedies by Pushkin; Miracle of St. Anthony by Maeterlink; The Masquerade by Lermontov; The Marriage by Gogol, and modern Russian and Polish plays by Galin, Mrozek, and Petrushevskaya. His teaching credits include workshops, master classes, and productions at the MXAT School, Stockholm Theatre Academy of Sweden, Theatre de la Place in Liege, Stanislavsky Summer School, and Eugene O'Neill Theatre Center.