A.R.T. Institute Alums + Hamlet x NYC = EMPIRICAL ROGUE!
JUL 26, 2011

Forming like a theatrical Voltron, twelve former A.R.T. Institute acting students combine forces to take on Hamlet next week, at The Cell in NYC. The workshop presentation is the first foray of Empirical Rogue, a new theater company founded by a group of Institute alums. We would be remiss if we didn’t honor our hard-working Institute grads with some Blog Love.
This new production of Shakespeare’s canonical drama, helmed by David Hammond (director of this season’s As You Like It), unearths the “heart-stopping thriller at the core of this monumental tragedy.” You have three chances to catch the workshop presentation:
Wednesday, AUGUST 3, 2011, 8pm
Thursday, AUGUST 4, 2011, 3pm & 8pm
Did I mention there were Institute alumni in this show? They are:
Jason Beaubien, ’10
Zach Bubolo, ’11
Doug Chapman, ’09
Gardiner Comfort, ’08
Nick Crandall, ’11
Tim Eliot, ’10
Anthony Gaskins, ’10
Christian Grunnah, ’11
Susannah Hoffman, ’10
Adam Kern, ’08
Careena Melia, ’09
and Chris Staley, ’11
Watch the pulse-pounding trailer for Empirical Rogue’s Hamlet, then visit the show’s page at The Cell for details and tickets.
p.s.: Congratulations, guys!
Empirical Rogue’s Hamlet:
Author: Brendan Shea
Publication date:July 26, 2011
Featured Comment: The director of this season’s upcoming production of As You Like It helms a special workshop production of Hamlet in NYC next week— featuring a cast comprised solely of A.R.T. Institute alumni!