High School Intern Dispatch! 1/30/15
FEB 4, 2015

The adventure continues…
Due to the Snowpocalypse we are having here in Boston this week has been shortened. Yet for the days I have been here at the theater, I have had the honor to partake in several important events. On Monday, my teacher/internship advisor Ms. Veeder paid me a visit and had a look at the work I have been doing for the theater. I was taking computer inventory for the members of each department, and helped the development department make invitations for “The Gala,” an upcoming fundraising event scheduled for March 2nd, Dr. Seuss’s birthday and the day before mine. The impending Snow-storm had caused me to go home early and I stayed home for Tuesday and Wednesday.
The excitement of my 2nd week away from school continued as during those two days I accompanied my friend John on Tuesday in a job shoveling snow around Weymouth and Braintree from 12 am to 9 am, staying alive off of energy drinks, beef jerky and Oreos.
Now back at the theater today on Thursday, my time at the theater today was used to attend a semi-annual whole company meeting, where I sat as guest to the company discussing how the year has gone so far, upcoming productions and how they plan to switch to a new ticket purchasing system. The news that each member had to share showed the positive progress made by theater because of the hard work of the devoted staff. Also during the meeting exciting (yet confidential) information was revealed… Following the meeting was a feast of pizza, brownies and cookies, which made me very happy.
Garrett has his priorities in the right place, one of the many reasons why we like him so much. Learn more about A.R.T. Education at