Press - The Time
This stunning play is both a bold reinvention of George Orwell’s great postwar novel and remarkably faithful to it.
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Press - Time Out
Headlong’s adaptation of George Orwell’s ‘Nineteen Eighty-Four’ is such a sense-overloadingly visceral experience that it was only the second time around, as it transfers to the West End, that I realised quite how political it was.
Press - The Telegraph
The first thing to be said about this thrilling stage version … is that it brings the Orwellian nightmare vividly alive.
Press - WBUR Cognoscenti
George Orwell’s seminal work anticipated not just the surveillance state, but the destruction of language that enables the manipulation of thought.
Press - Harvard Gazette
Themes of ‘1984’ remain a conversation starter
Press -
When action finally erupts about two thirds of the way through, the impact is overwhelming.
Press - Wicked Local
The American Repertory Theater is hosting a British production of George Orwell’s “1984” that should shake the cobwebs from your head about a book that many of us last read in high school and barely remember.
Press - Talkin’ Broadway
This production is a stunning example of the ability of live theater to immerse an audience in the story, to make them feel what the characters feel, and to leave them thinking about what it all means.
Press - Joyce’s Choices
The show now onstage at the American Repertory Theater in Cambridge adapted and directed by Robert Icke & Duncan Macmillan is visually shocking and hauntingly acted, a nightmare of twisted reality, torture, and paranoia made flesh.
Press - Edge Media Network
Welcome to the future. Welcome to “1984.”
Press -
The American Repertory Theater in Cambridge is giving audiences a chance to revisit the dystopian novel (originally published in 1949) with a fresh look.
Press - Arts Fuse
1984‘s theatrical vision of authoritarianism in action is not for the faint of heart.