Press - WBUR Cognoscenti
We can learn much from “Othello” about the gendering of hate, as a riveting production onstage at the American Repertory Theater powerfully shows…Watching this play in 2019 in the context of a long overdue reckoning with male violence is to see how misogyny is intertwined with racism and xenophobia, and is central to understanding what motivates violent men.
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Press - WBUR The ARTery
Moments of rare joy and celebrations of survival are part of the premise of “Anthem”…The name of the show is described as an unapologetic battle cry: “…In the shadow of a world that wants us dead, we will not go down without a fight. We will survive.”
Between costume fittings for Endlings, Linda Cho shared her designs for the production.
A look into the wetsuits seen on stage in Endlings.
Press - The New York Times
At Bushwick Starr, Diana Oh and her team of “super queero heart questers” welcome guests to a night of dance-filled revelry.
A conversation with the Director of Othello and the Shakespeare historian about the themes, motifs, and issues raised in the play.