- WBUR The ARTery
WBUR The ARTery: Female Strength Takes Center Stage With Global Productions
HEAR WORD!, brought to the area by the American Repertory Theater, stands on the edge of change yet to come, and calls for its arrival. “The idea was to encourage women to be the drivers for change, for equality, rather than wait for institutions or men or government,” says Ifeoma Fafunwa, the show’s writer and director. “For women to ask themselves where are they responsible for inequality, and where are they able to empower, to be powerful.”
HEAR WORD!, brought to the area by the American Repertory Theater, stands on the edge of change yet to come, and calls for its arrival. “The idea was to encourage women to be the drivers for change, for equality, rather than wait for institutions or men or government,” says Ifeoma Fafunwa, the show’s writer and director. “For women to ask themselves where are they responsible for inequality, and where are they able to empower, to be powerful.”