WILD: A Musical Becoming is a new musical fable about a single mother struggling to hold on to her family farm and connect with her teenage daughter, whose determination to save the planet endows her and her friends with powers they never knew they had. This Resource Guide is a compilation of resources to aid audiences in exploring the ideas that WILD surfaces, including supporting youth activism and teaching about climate change.
Youth Activism Resources
WILD explores how climate change can be a frustrating, confusing, and frightening topic for youth and adults alike. The following resources contain guidance for youth to organize and how adults can best support them. No matter the subject, adults can listen to youth’s concerns and ideas, help them learn about the topics that matter to them, and support their efforts to make changes in their lives and communities.
Youth Activism Resources
Teach for America outlines many strategies and examples for educators seeking to make space for youth activism. The article provides model examples of youth campaigns, such as aid drives, walk outs, and petitions.
Youth In Front has a free, short, online course for educators seeking to understand and support Youth Activism, examining case studies.
The Youth Activism Project is a national organization that helps teen activists build the skills, networks, and resources to lead movements in their community. Find their robust, free activism training materials here:
Youth: The 26% Solution is an in-depth book available online that inspires youth and guides them in making change on issues that matter to them.
Their Guide to Creating Change provides a step-by-step guide for youth who want to lead a campaign (free to create an account on Teachable)
The ACLU provides many educational materials on activism, including a summary of students’ rights in and out of school. Importantly, students maintain their rights to expressing themselves at school.
Youth Climate Activism Resources
The National Resources Defense Councilpublished an article with suggestions for how educators can talk with youth aged 0-18 about climate change, including the importance of letting them teach adults. The article touches on the importance of encouraging curiosity, inviting them into the science and news at an appropriate level, and honoring their strengths and emotions.
While many believe teaching about climate change is important, teachers often don’t bring it up in classrooms. The collections below contain resources for teachers of any subject to bring climate change into their class.
CLEAN carries a collection of free, high-quality materials and strategies for teaching climate and energy.
Young Voices for the Planet showcases inspiring stories from youth who are getting active, such as the Green Ambassadors high school program.
The Zinn Education Project provides teaching materials on many different social justice topics, including climate justice. Their Role Play on the Dakota Access Pipeline invites students to explore a high-profile case study via embodied learning.
Attendance to WILD: A Musical Becoming supports development of skills and abilities identified in the Massachusetts English Language and Arts Literacy Framework, College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards for Speaking and Listening [SL] and [SLCA] for grades 6 – 12 (e.g. [SL.6.1-6] and [SLCA.12.1-6]).
Attendance should be paired with analysis and discussion of the multiple perspectives and arguments which the show presents, aligning with Standards 1-3 (Comprehension and Collaboration). Student projects in response to the themes and ideas, such as theater or activism projects, align with Standards 4-6 (Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas).
Attendance to WILD supports development of skills and abilities identified in the Massachusetts Arts Framework, Theatre Standards (p. 50 – 58). Attendance may be paired with discussion of the show (Standards 7-11, Responding & Connecting, e.g. [T.Co.11]) or practicing theater based on the show (Standards 1-6, Creating and Performing, e.g. [T.P.04]).
The content of WILD closely aligns with ESS standards such as ESS3-Earth and Human Activity. Attendance to WILD supports development of Science and Engineering Practices as identified in the Massachusetts Science and Technology Engineering Framework (grades 6-12, pages 51 and 72). Attending the show closely aligns with practices 1, 7, and 8.
A new musical fable about a single mother struggling to hold on to her family farm and connect with her teenage daughter, whose determination to save the planet endows her and her friends with powers they never knew they had.