

Search results for andrei serban


Comedy of War

Director Andrei Serban discusses Lysistrata with Gideon Lester


ARTicles vol. 1 i.4: The Triumph of Pericles

Gideon Lester explores the theatrical and critical debates surrounding Shakespeare’s most mysterious play.


ARTicles vol. 1 i.4: Pericles, Video, and the Chinese Actor

After three weeks of rehearsals for Pericles, director Andrei Serban discussed his production with Gideon Lester.


ARTicles vol. 1 i.1: Welcome to the 2002-2003 Season

Robert Woodruff and Gideon Lester introduce their first season as A.R.T.’s new artistic leadership


America: Boom, Bust, and Baseball Guide: Tapping into the American Psyche, Dramaturg Whitney Eggers interviews Paradise Lost director Daniel Fish

Daniel Fish: “Someone once said to me that people who work in theater either got into the theater because of Brecht or because of American musicals. For me it was both.”