

Getting Help

If you have any concerns about your mental health or wellbeing or are experience a mental or behavioral health crisis, reach out to get support as soon as possible. Your primary care physician (PCP) can do a preliminary assessment and guide you to appropriate resources.

Grief & Bereavement Support

  • GriefShare provides information about support groups happening around the world
  • Dana Farber Cancer Institute hosts a number of support groups and seminars for patients with cancer, caregivers, and adult bereavement
  • Dougy Center provides grief support in a safe place where children, teens, young adults, and their families can share their experiences before and after a death. Additionally, they provide local, national, and international support to individuals and organizations who assist children who are grieving
  • Jeff’s Place is a supportive community for grieving children, teens, families, and individuals
  • The Children’s Room provides grief support resources for children, teens, and families who have experienced a loss
  • VNA Care offers bereavement groups online and in person

Cancer Suport


Consider seeing a therapist for individual and/or group therapy to help you process the various emotions that you are experiencing.

Somatic therapy is a therapeutic approach that helps people understand how their body and emotions are connected. It uses breath, movement, dance, or meditation, instead of traditional talk therapy, to help people process situations that they have experienced in life. By learning these special techniques, you can help your body let go of old, stuck feelings and feel more peaceful and happier. Examples of somatic therapy approaches include dance and movement therapy, emotional freedom technique (tapping), eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR), brainspotting, qigong, yoga, and tai chi.

Crisis Hotlines

Available 24 hours/7 days a week