

The Conjurors’ Club FAQs

Learn more:

Purchasing a Ticket

Will the show be available to watch on demand or after my performance?

What time zone are performances in?

Is there a difference between the Violet, Emerald, and Scarlet Rooms?

What are ASL-interpreted and audio described performances?

How many people in my household can watch the show with me?

Can I watch the show outside of the US?

Will I receive a secret package if I buy my ticket within 5 days of my performance?

Will I receive a secret package if I buy a Rush Ticket?

What if I have lost my secret package or it will arrive after my performance?

Getting Ready for the Show

How do I watch the show?

What if I’m late to the show?

What should I wear?

Watching the Show

What should my name be in Zoom?

How do I pin a video in Zoom?

How do I access ASL interpretation?

How do I access audio description?

Can I watch the show on my phone?

Can I watch the show on my TV?

Should I wear headphones?

Will I be in the show?

Can I turn my camera or microphone off?

Can I record the show?