Join Archon Fung for an exploration of some possible futures of American democracy and what can be done to create a more equal and inclusive democracy. Fung is the Winthrop Laflin McCormack Professor of Citizenship and Self-Government at the Harvard Kennedy School. His research explores policies, practices, and institutional designs that deepen the quality of democratic governance with a focus on public participation, deliberation, and transparency. He co-directs the Transparency Policy Project and leads democratic governance programs of the Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation at the Kennedy School.
Protecting and Deepening Our Democracy: What Should We Do Now?
Civically Speaking
Free and open access to Protecting and Deepening Our Democracy and other virtual events is provided by the generous support of A.R.T. Members.
Free and open access to Protecting and Deepening Our Democracy and other virtual events is provided by the generous support of A.R.T. Members.
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