Starsky + Cox are on this big blue marble to reveal the secret power and glory of that glittery circle in the sky we call The Zodiac. Cosmic jokesters, rocking the music of the spheres, they’ll guide you around the astral wheel, unlocking its dozen houses, the doors to your sextra-sensory perceptions.
‘Psychics to the Stars’ (Vanity Fair), cosmic cabaret artists and authors of cult book sensations Sextrology and Cosmic Coupling, Stella Starsky + Quinn Cox check into A.R.T./OBERON for the first in a traveling series of shows pinioned to the equinoxes and solstices, cosmically the best times for spiritual awakening and schtuping. Serving celestial realness, Starsky + Cox uncross your stars and your legs, predicting and plotting the course of the Spring season, divinely guiding you to shake your ya-yas out with an eye on achieving a lil’ enlightenment. Expect to be read, astrologically and otherwise: Starsky + Cox whip out your deep dark secrets and slap your pretty, searching face with them. You like that don’t you? There will be laughter and song, revelation and sexual liberation as Starsky + Cox get you really high and help hook you up. With special Taurus guest star Billy Hough.
Starsky + Cox regularly appear at Joe’s Pub at the Public Theater, and have performed at Ars Nova and The Zipper Factory, in New York City. They are hosts of “The Cosmic Connection” on public radio and founders of the Afterglow Festival in Provincetown. They are recurring guests on “Chelsea Lately” with Chelsea Handler on E!.
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