On exhibit during the run of Waitress, Behind the Counter is an oral history project inspired by people working in the foodservice industry. This collection of photographs and interviews were compiled by the Waitress dramaturgy team to give a taste of dining culture and the humans behind the counter in Greater Boston.
Additional interviews and photos will be added often so check back throughout the run of Waitress.
The A.R.T. would like to thank all of the local diners, restaurants, and staff who participated in Behind the Counter, particularly A.R.T. partners (indicated by *).
Grafton Street Pub & Grill*
1230 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA
“I’ve always said the easiest way to sound sincere is to be sincere. There’s no secret, just don’t be a fake person… It feels very natural, very comforting: the value of providing actual sincere hospitality and trying to make some sort of human connection.”
– Kevin at Grafton Street Pub & Grill, Cambridge, MA
“I think I’ll continue to waitress until I go back to school. Or maybe I’ll open a little restaurant or food truck… A lot of servers are figuring it out, or don’t know what they want at all. Some are career servers, in their 40s or 50s. Who knows, maybe I’ll be here another 20 years.”
“I call it a limo ride… When you get in a limo, everything’s there for you, you didn’t know that you needed this but it’s there anyway, the door’s open for you, you sit in this comfortable car. That’s what I try to do for my customers here. Except it’s food.”
“People aren’t gonna have a good experience unless you’re completely genuine with them. And that’s what I try to be. When it all comes down to it, people are just people.”
– Tess at Rosebud American Kitchen & Bar, Somerville, MA
“I’ve been supporting myself for all of my life, since I moved out after high school, having to make ends meet looking for different jobs… Before this I was actually a butcher, which is a terrible job for a vegetarian.”
“We’re all mothers and we have lives outside of here… Sometimes I’ll have a line out the door at 5:55AM and think, ‘Oh my God, I’m not ready for this.”
“I’m a people person. But when you’re working with the public, the main thing is learning to deal with difficult customers. Maybe this person walked off the street and had a bad day, so I can’t take it personally if they’re not friendly.”
Interviews conducted by Waitress production dramaturg Amanda Faye Martin and intern Sam Hagen with participation from individuals at the preceding restaurants.